Bitget Wallet bot on Telegram: how to earn tokens

Bitget Wallet bot

Bitget Wallet bot is successfully operating on Telegram. This is an official application from the well-known cryptocurrency exchange of the same name. It’s worth using the bot, as it allows users to earn tokens. More details in the material below.

Overview of Bitget Wallet bot

Bitget Wallet on Telegram provides users with access to cryptocurrency wallet functions. Essentially, it’s the same exchange, but directly in Telegram. Convenient.

The app allows users to mine tokens. Eventually, the $BGW token will be listed, and we will be able to monetize our earnings. Additionally:

  • Token holders will receive discounts on trading fees;
  • $BGW can be staked to earn passive income;
  • Tokens will also provide access to VIP features in in-game applications (currently in development).

How to start earning $BGW tokens

  1. Step 1 – Follow THIS LINK to the Telegram bot and authorize yourself (you’ll receive 200 tokens).
  2. Step 2 – Link your Bitget wallet.
  3. Step 3 – Verify your email address. That’s it.

In the Tasks section, you can collect tokens every 6 hours. Every 6 hours = 50 tokens. Occasionally, mysterious boxes appear that provide a large number of tokens. From one of them, I received 1,544 tokens.

Visit my Telegram channel for updates on verified apps, guides on playing, earning crypto, withdrawing, and selling it.

Additional token earnings in Bitget Wallet

Again, return to the Tasks section. The app offers various tasks that reward you with tokens.

There are tasks from the project itself as well as from partners. For example:

  • First click on the farming button = 50 tokens;
  • Subscribing to Bitget Wallet news, their Telegram account, or X account = 100 tokens each;
  • Downloading the Bitget app = 300 tokens;
  • Completing 5 farming tasks = 500 tokens;
  • Purchasing APT or TON tokens with stars on Telegram = 1,000 tokens each.

And this is just a small part of all the available tasks.

I think using the bot is definitely worth it. In the future, these tokens could have a good value and offer various bonuses. There’s no information yet on when the $BGW token listing is planned.

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Hello! I'm Rostyslav K. - the author of the materials. I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and have many years of experience working in top media outlets. After over 5 years in news journalism, I've gained a lot of knowledge, so I decided to create my own blog and share valuable information with you. I write on topics such as finance, earnings, and business ideas. I test various earning methods, review resources, and expose scams. And of course, I create materials about it. Check out my articles and stay updated on the latest news in the world of earning.
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