Seed bot codes for videos: complete list

Seed bot codes for videos

The Seed app continues to support token mining, allowing users to collect tokens daily by logging into the game every 8 hours. Additional coins can be earned by entering answers. Let’s dive into the Seed bot codes for videos.

Below, you’ll find more information about the listing and the drop criteria that need to be met.

Seed bot codes for videos

Few people may know, but Seed also has YouTube videos where you need to watch and enter codes. Each video viewed earns you 4 coins, which is a good reward given the effort required to mine tokens.

Access the app through the following link. Next, click on the Earn tab and select Academy to see 28 videos. Start the video, then exit, and you can enter the code.

Here are the codes for each video:

  1. For the video “Bitcoin Price,” enter the code Btctothemoon
  2. “On-chain vs OFF-chain #8 – Transaction” – Transaction
  3. “What is TON” – Ton
  4. “Coin vs Token” – Tokens
  5. “What is Airdrop?” – Airdrop
  6. “Hot vs Cold Wallet” – Wallet
  7. “Crypto vs Blockchain” – Cryptocurrency
  8. “Learn Blockchain in 3 min” – Blockchain
  9. “CEX vs DEX” – OKXEED
  10. “Bullish and Bearish” – Bullrun
  11. “Pre-market Explained” – Breseed
  12. “What is NFT” – Getgems
  13. “Seed NFT Introduction” – Birdie
  14. “Pump and Dump” – Marketmaker
  15. “What is Toneconomics?” – Seednomics
  16. “BTC Price Prediction” – 200kbtc
  17. “What is Listing?” – Seedtoken
  18. “What Affects Token Price?” – Posinegative
  19. “What is Market Maker?” – Wavemaker
  20. “What is Rug Pull?” – Antirugpull
  21. “How to spot a Rug  Pull?” – Nohandsnorug
  22. “Fat Finger Error” – Wrongfinger
  23. “Crypto Slang Part 1” – Mooningwithseed
  24. “Crypto Slang Part 2” – Whereurlambo
  25. “What are KYC & AML” – Secureurseed
  26. “Protect your Crypto” – Safeandsound
  27. “Crypto Slang Part 3” – Alphaseed
  28. “Crypto Slang Part 4” – Amabutdyor

Please, subscribe to my Telegram channel. I publish there information about bots, earning money, answers.

Seed listing and drop criteria

Currently, there is no listing information available. The airdrop is expected in November, and the bot seems reliable, bearing Telegram’s verification checkmark.

The drop criteria include:

  • Total in-game earnings;
  • Number of invited friends;
  • Achievements (see your profile);
  • Purchases made with stars;
  • Subscription to project social media;
  • Adding the seed emoji () to your Telegram name; note that this may be verified by a random snapshot taken before listing.

The conditions are quite simple, with no particularly challenging tasks required. Achievements can be found by clicking the tree on the main profile page (left corner). Below, you’ll see Achievements. Rewards are also available for inviting friends, so feel free to invite your contacts or bots.

For now, continue using Seed bot codes for videos. As soon as there’s new information about the listing, I’ll publish it on my Telegram channel.

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Hello! I'm Rostyslav K. - the author of the materials. I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and have many years of experience working in top media outlets. After over 5 years in news journalism, I've gained a lot of knowledge, so I decided to create my own blog and share valuable information with you. I write on topics such as finance, earnings, and business ideas. I test various earning methods, review resources, and expose scams. And of course, I create materials about it. Check out my articles and stay updated on the latest news in the world of earning.
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  1. Eyo Eyo

    This is very explicit and simple guide to greatness, please keep up.

    1. Rostyslav

      thank you) Keep an eye on the website and my telegram